Auctions Currently Running and Upcoming!
Online Only Auction West Carollton Home Contents
This is a very nice auction of contemporary home decor, tools and exercise equipment!
The auction will start running on March 5th and start closing on March 19th at 6PM
The removal for this auction will be on Wednesday, March 26th from 3-6PM at 6500 Carnation Rd in West Carrolton, Ohio 45449.

Online Only Auction of Xenia Home Contents
This auction has two very nice zero turn mowers an older tractor and more!
The auction will start running on March 12 and start closing at 6PM on March 26th
The removal for this auction will be on April 2nd from 2-6PM at 2059 Upper Bellbrook Rd in Xenia, Ohio 45385.
Please bring any equipment needed to load the larger items!

Online Auction of Vintage / Handmade Jewelry
This is a nice collection from a local estate
The auction will start running on March 13th and start closing on March 27th at 6PM
The removal for this auction will be from 12-2PM on Thursday April 3rd at 201 West Main Street in Fairborn Ohio 45324.

Online Auction of Multi Consignor Home Contents
This is from several sellers and a Cincinnati home
The auction will start running on March 17th and start closing on March 31st at 6PM
The removal for this auction will be at 201 West Main Street in Fairborn, Ohio 45324 on April 7th from 10-2PM.

Online Only Auction of Vintage Toys, Household
This is a larger collection of toys and more!
The auction will start running on March 20th and will start closing on April 3rd at 6PM
The removal for this auction will be on April 10th from 10-2PM at 207 W. Main Street in Fairborn, Ohio 45324.